When you have an invisible chronic illness nobody can tell. You look perfectly normal when people see you out or when you post pictures on facebook. You look the same way you did before you got diagnosed. People see you doing some of the same things you enjoyed doing before. You even have a job and normal responsibilities. But the truth so much in your life has changed. Everything makes you tired, everything causes you to ache, and you've either gained or lost weight from medicines you need to keep you functioning at a semi-normal level.
I made the decision to be very open about my illnesses. I made this choice because I had never heard of a few of my illnesses until a doctor was standing in front of me telling me that I had them. If you follow me on social media you will already know that I have an autoimmune disease called Sjogren's Syndrome. But what you may not know is that illnesses tend to cluster in one person. Which means if you are diagnosed with one chronic illness the chances you will have others increases. So I will go ahead and list all of mine for you:
- Sjogren's Syndrome
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Endometriosis
- Chiari Malformation
- Gastroparesis
- Spinal Stenosis
- Juvenile Degenerative Disc Disease
- Thyroid Goiter and Tumor
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